The Experimental Animal Division, RIKEN BioResource Center, announces that it is necessary to correct the information about the Living Modified Organisms (LMOs) of the following four mouse strains:
- C57BL/6-Tg(CAG/Acr-EGFP)C3-N01-FJ002Osb (RBRC00445)
- B6;B6C3-Tg(Acro3-EGFP)01Osb (RBRC00886)
- B6;B6C3-Tg(CAG/Acr-EGFP)CX-FM139Osb (RBRC02032)
- B6D2-Sp56<tm1Osb> (RBRC05715)
On Nov 27, 2015, the depositor informed us that they found the origin of the polyA signal used in these strain was different from what was described in the original publication (FEBS Lett. 449:277-283, 1999). The depositor had published the Corrigendum.
Please correct the previous underlined information:
(Wrong) bovine growth hormone polyadenylation signal
(Correct) rabbit beta globin polyadenylation signal
This correction does not cause any change in the level of physical containment measure (P1A) to be taken for the mice. The characteristics of these mice are considered not to be affected by the origin of polyA signals.
If you have any question and concerns about the above mouse strains, please do not hesitate contact us.
Thank you very much for your attention and understanding.