Strain Deposition

To deposit a mouse strain in the RIKEN BRC, please contact a customer service
representative by e-mail ( or fax (+81-29-836-9010).

How to make a deposit
If you have a mouse strain to deposit, please examine and agree to the Material Transfer Agreement (MTA) for Deposition (Form A).
Please prepare two originals bearing the signatures of the authorized representative of your organization and an appropriate researcher.
You are also requested to complete the Data Sheet, which serves as detailed documentation of your mouse strain.
The depositors are responsible for the authenticity of the strain deposited to the RIKEN BRC. Documentation provided by depositors should
contain sufficient detail on the strain, including coat color, genotypes, a genotyping protocol and a recent health status report.
Please send the MTA and Data Sheet to the following address:

Experimental Animal Division
RIKEN BioResource Research Center
3-1-1 Koyadai, Tsukuba
Ibaraki 305-0074, Japan

Fax: +81-29-836-9010

Depositors may request specific terms and conditions associated with use of the Biological Resource.
As a public biological resource bank, the RIKEN BRC requests that Depositors deposit their strains with minimum restrictions.
Restrictions calling for collaborative research requiring the co-authorship of the Depositors are limited to maximum of two years.
Upon receiving the MTA and Data Sheet, the RIKEN BRC will contact you to arrange transportation of the mice. The cost of shipping will be covered by the RIKEN BRC.
After reestablishment of a breeding colony of your strain in our SPF facility rooms, the RIKEN BRC will inform you that the process of
your deposition is complete. Your mouse strain will be on our website, and readily available to the scientific community on request.
Depositors will be assigned a credit that can be used to order mouse strains from the RIKEN BRC.

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