Mar 2008 Disc1 Mutant Mouse


Disc1 Mutant Mouse
A Model for Depression and Schizophrenia

BRC No. RBRC02324 B6.Cg-Disc1<Rgsc1390>
BRC No. RBRC02325 B6.Cg-Disc1<Rgsc1393>
Research Application : Neurobiology Research
Mouse Models for Human Disease

Phenotypes of Disc1 missense mutant mice
A. Missense mutations, Q31L (L) and L100P (P), in Disc1 protein were identified by RIKEN ENU gene-driven Mouse Mutagenesis System.
B. Behavioral, anatomical, biochemical, and pharmacological tests revealed Disc1 Q31L (L) and L100P (P) as a reccesive mutation for depression-like behavior and as a dominant mutation for schizophrenia-like behavior, respectively.


 DISC1 has been reported as a responsible gene for mental illness which was originally found in a large Scottish family with major mental illness such as depression and schizophrenia. Two independently derived ENU-induced mutant mice which have missense mutations in exon 2 of Disc1 gene were developed and analyzed jointly by RIKEN (Japan), University of Edinburgh (UK), and Mount Sinai Hospital (Canada). The mutant mouse with Q31L <Disc1 Rgsc1393> showed depressive-like behavior with defects, e.g., in the forced swim test. The other mutant mouse with L100P <Disc1 Rgsc1390> exhibited schizophrenic-like behavior, with profound defect in prepulse inhibition and latent inhibition. These Disc1 missense mutant mice are expected to be very useful as models for depression and schizophrenia.


Depositor :  RIKEN Genomic Sciences Center
Samuel Lunenfeld Research Institute at Mount Sinai Hospital
Reference : Neuron. 2007 May 3;54(3):387-402.
